Man or Animal

by Audioslave

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 5:07 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Out Of Exile

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Tom
2nd → Brad
3rd → Tom (Solo)
4th → Tim

File Size

32 KB




Guitar tab by Charlie Larson/Bass Tab by Bricken All I did was put it in Drop D tuning (no one seems to do this, even though you have to) and figure out the effects/solo. As well as make it a GP file w/ drums. I replicate the intro by scraping the pick on the E string while palm muting, if that makes sense. I lay my palm on the string like a palm mute and drag the pick on the string to make the sound. The solo is played using a whammy pedal, set two octaves up. Pretty much every note is "slid" into with the whammy pedal (start with it all the way up, then push down to increase pitch/slide). I left out the overdub/second guitar playing a harmony of part of the solo because the song is played with one guitar and it's much easier for me to put into tab form. While the notes are guesses, in my opinion they sound ok and that's actually the way I play it. The bass also gets wah pedal where designated in the outtro.